It always begins with us.


Wherever we are on our journey to a more joyful life, a life with more freedom and alignment, it always begins there.


Us. How we are being and doing.

How we are showing up.

The thoughts we are thinking and giving in to.

The vibe and energy we are giving out.


Thinking of my past and my own journey I know what it feels like when you believe life is happening to you.


When it feels like you aren’t in control of how your life turns out.


In that space, you can spend a lot of time blaming the world, the circumstances, the people.

Essentially everything outside of you.


It’s an easy space to fall into.

We all do it.

All the time.


Because being the victim of the situation simply means we don’t have to be responsible for what is created.

And it’s a very disempowered space to be in.

A space where you are the victim of your circumstance.


I know it’s a default for many of us. But….


What if….. 


?️ You could have in your life whatever you wanted?

?️ You could feel powerful no matter the circumstance?

?️ You could always know what to do and if you don’t know exactly where to start looking?

?️ You could spend most of your time in thrive mode rather than running on the hamster wheel?


It’s possible. 

This path is available to you.

And I know it is.


Because I am walking it. And the path to feeling powerful is easier to reach than you think.

And this path isn’t always a straight and narrow. 

It isn’t always clear cut.

And sometimes we can even find ourselves straying of the path again.

Falling back into our old ways that don’t really serve us.

And that is okay.


Because you can just gently bring yourself back to this path of empowerment.

Every single time.


So how do we begin?


It all starts with how we take care of ourselves.

It starts with selfcare.

And selfcare is soo much more than what you think it is.

Check out my video below to find out more about what selfcare is so you can start your own journey of empowerment right here, right now.


The Thrive Guide

A 1:1 coaching program to get rid of what doesn’t serve you anymore and become your own best friend. Learn how to follow what brings you joy, feel empowered, raise your confidence and map out your personal guide to thrive.

Free discovery call


My name is Sophie and I was born in New Zealand, Aotearoa, and grew up in Germany. A move to the other side of the world and the discovery of the beauty of my soul self later, I firmly cemented my feet in Auckland, Taamaki Makaurau, New Zealand in 2004.

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