Born in Aotearoa (New Zealand), spending my childhood in Germany, it was the bold move back to other side of the world on my own at the age of 16 that took life into a direction I never would have anticipated. New Zealand is where I found myself.

My early 20s


After studying a Bachelor of Design, specializing in experience design, working in hospitality, events and theatre in my late teens and early 20s, I had my eldest daughter at 23. Becoming a parent opened up my eyes to another side of life I didn’t know existed and presented me with challenges and great discoveries alike.

​Around 3 ½ years later, my second daughter came along all while working part-time as a Digital Producer and running a small gift box business called SoulBox. I immersed myself in self-development, mindset and energetics, nutrition and holistic health for about 5 years and discovered the importance of well-being in everyday life, personally and professionally.

The Shake Up

In December 2018 my life was turned upside down when life ended as I knew it. After months of walking down struggle street, I embarked once again on a journey of self-discovery and self-development, healing and empowerment. It was a tough time in my life, and looking back, I am so grateful for the shake up in the end.

I was fortunate to have amazing support in my life that propped me up, let me cry as much as I needed to, listened to me, gave me immense wisdom and provided me with a new opportunity for a more joyful life.

I knew, deep down inside, I wanted more. And I was finally ready to discover what the more was.

A Bold Move


I knew I wanted to create an extraordinary life for myself and my children. For the first time in my life I allowed myself to dream big. The possibilities were endless and boy…… was I excited to get creating!

The universe provided as always and I listened. I realized what I love most in life is people, their stories, their wisdom, their potential for love and creation. I completed my Accelerated Coaching Certification with Authentic Education in Sydney in March 2020. In lockdown in April 2020 I made the decision to start my coaching business so I could share with others the joy of what I had discovered for myself. That YOU can have it ALL. 

Find out if coaching with me is for you

My name is Sophie and I was born in New Zealand, Aotearoa, and grew up in Germany. A move to the other side of the world and the discovery of the beauty of my soul self later, I firmly cemented my feet in Auckland, Taamaki Makaurau, New Zealand in 2004.

After Studying


After studying a Bachelor of three-dimensional design and working in hospitality and events, I had my eldest daughter at 23. Becoming a parent opened up my eyes to another side of life I didn’t know existed and presented me with challenges and great discoveries alike.

​Around 3 ½ years later, my second daughter came along all while working part-time as a Digital Producer and running a small gift box business called SoulBox. I immersed myself in self-development, mindset and energetics, nutrition and holistic health for about 5 years and discovered the importance of well-being in everyday life, personally and professionally.

Turning Point


​The split from the father of my children in December 2018 was a turning point in my life. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment and even though it didn’t feel great at the time, looking back, the first half of 2019 was a huge positive growth period.

​I was fortunate to have amazing people in my life that propped me up, let me cry on their shoulder, listened to me, gave me their immense wisdom and provided me with new opportunities for a more joyful life.

I knew, deep down inside, I couldn’t play it small anymore. I was finally ready to spread my wings.

My Coaching Journey


I knew I wanted to create an extraordinary life for myself and my children. For the first time the possibilities were endless and boy…… was I excited to get creating!

​And the universe provided. After discovering my passion and purpose in life, I completed my Accelerated Coaching Certification with Authentic Education in Sydney in March 2020. In lockdown in April 2020 I made the decision to start my coaching business so I could share with others the joy of what I had discovered for myself. Because in the end…. What was I waiting for?

Find out if coaching with me is for you

My Journey


How I Became A Joy Seeker

As I share this blog, I think life is about living it to the fullest as much as it is about living it with depth. We can find joy in every moment, the big and the small ones, it is available for all of us if we choose it as an intention for our life. So instead of focusing on the things we are missing and the things that don’t feel good, let’s shift our focus to the here and now, and invite joy into everything you do.


My Journey


How I Became A Joy Seeker

As I share this blog, I think life is about living it to the fullest as much as it is about living it with depth. We can find joy in every moment, the big and the small ones, it is available for all of us if we choose it as an intention for our life. So instead of focusing on the things we are missing and the things that don’t feel good, let’s shift our focus to the here and now, and invite joy into everything you do.


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